Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Male Birth Control Shot To Be Released Onto US Market Soon


How empowering is it to women that men will soon the have the option of getting a shot for birth control? For pretty much ever, contraception has fallen as something women should think about, not men. Yes, condoms are the standard for many, but they are a one-time only option that many men refuse to use. A male birth control shot is the first real long-term contraception option for men, outside of the permanence of a vasectomy. This puts the responsibility on either involved party, not just casting the blame on the woman for not protecting herself. Thoughts or comments?

13 things no one tells you about being a women


Found this video today. Very very accurate on how I feel almost every day. Curious to know if men ever have these feelings or experience this kind of stuff.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Women abusing men

Found this video of a social experiment where a man abuses a women in public and a women abuses a man in public and they filmed it to get reactions of what people will do. http://goingviralposts.com/difference-reactions-men-women-hitting-partners-public-will-shock/

Wives of the SEC

I'm just not sure how I feel about this.  Check it out and let's chat about it in class tomorrow.
Wives of SEC

Yes means yes


I saw this on Facebook this morning. I thought it was pretty awesome and excited that someone is taking on the yes means yes campaign and not no means no.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Short Docuseries On Duke Student Becoming A Porn Star

I saw someone "liked" this link on Facebook. The docuseries is about Miriam who at 18 and a freshman in college, started her porn career to pay her tuition. I actually was surprised about the different issues she talked about including compartmentalizing her sex (porn) life and her normal life, she discussed empowerment (eluding to feminism), stigmas associated with being a porn star, and her thoughts on porn being just a job. I thought this was a different but interesting outlook from what we discussed yesterday. 


Monday, September 22, 2014

This was interesting...........

My cultural anthropology professor showed my class a picture similar to this today in class. I thought I would share this with the class. I found it interesting. What are everyone else's thoughts on this image?


It's On Us

'It's On Us' to prevent sexual assault

"It means taking responsibility for ourselves and each other."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gender Inequality

I saw this article online and I thought it was very interesting. I wanted to share with the class.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Great Resource

This page on Facebook is an excellent source of femininity issues in our world today. They constantly post inspirational women that are making a difference, as well as tons of resources for everything from children's books with strong female characters to gender injustices around the world.
A Mighty Girl Facebook Page

There is an interesting article on the page that came out this week about a photo campaign in Senegal highlighting women who are auto mechanics, something that here in the US is still a male-dominated career.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Arousal and Buildup;How Porn Damages the Sensual Side of Men and the Value of Women"

Ran Gavrieli opens up about why he stopped watching porn, what it does to men, and women. I love his view on it, being simply from a moral non-religious perspective. Although porn is your own choice, consider his points on the matter. What do you think would change if we didn't allow porn? Would it actually make a difference, or would the same issues arise in other areas?


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


For Thursday we want you to focus on Chapter 5, mainly on page 70 where it talks about male gender role conflict. Also read pages 78-84 in chapter 6. Both chapters are in College Men and Masculinities. Think about the different gender roles in society and the different kinds of scripts we have created based on your gender.

Monday, September 15, 2014

How to be a gentleman...

I actually get asked this question a lot.  I plan to do an RA presentation this semester on this topic.  Enjoy!
How to be a 21st century gentelman

Friday, September 12, 2014

Spectrum: LGBT Support and Advocacy Group for ATU


This is the Facebook page for Spectrum, the LGBT organization mentioned in class on Thursday.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

1950's Anti-Homosexual PSA - Boys Beware


This is what we were talking about in class. This video is about how we have sorta of changed since the 1950s, but we still have a while to go. I did mention something in class that this video mentions and this is how some people view people who are gay. I thought this was interesting and wanted to share with the class. If this offends you I apologize.

A Killer's Manifesto

The misogynistic manifesto written by Elliot Rodger, the 22-year-old who police say killed six people before taking his own life Friday, quickly led to an outpouring on Twitter under the hashtag #YesAllWomen. Women and men alike used the hashtag to share stories and statistics about harassment and sexual assault.
Listen to the story here:

Wikipedia entry for #YesAllWomen

Wikipedia entry for #YesAllWomen

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Taking The Lead Sept.11

For tomorrows taking the lead assignment our group would like for you all to be sure to take an extra look at Chapter 2 in your College Men and Masculinities book and that is what we will be spending the bulk of the discussion covering.  As an extra, please go on any available social media and check out the hashtag #YesAllWomen and post some that you found interesting and why you found them interesting.