Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Male Birth Control Shot To Be Released Onto US Market Soon


How empowering is it to women that men will soon the have the option of getting a shot for birth control? For pretty much ever, contraception has fallen as something women should think about, not men. Yes, condoms are the standard for many, but they are a one-time only option that many men refuse to use. A male birth control shot is the first real long-term contraception option for men, outside of the permanence of a vasectomy. This puts the responsibility on either involved party, not just casting the blame on the woman for not protecting herself. Thoughts or comments?

1 comment:

  1. I saw this a while back too. I feel like men won't do this because of where the shot is and they will still blame the woman cause shes the one who can get pregnant. And since shes the one who can get pregnant she should be the one who should be taking birth control.
