Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tech Back the Night Information

Tech Back the Night Campaign

Event Dates: October 9th - December 10th (Tentative)
Time: TBA (Series of Events)
Location: TBA (Series of Events)

Event Description
In an effort to end domestic violence and raise awareness for sexual assault prevention, the Tech Back the Night series is designed as an initiative lead by ATU students, faculty, and staff. The series will allow the ATU community to learn about the existing issues, the roles they knowingly and unknowingly play in this culture, and steps to become an empowered bystander. There will be a kick off cookout, a poster campaign, Take Back the Night Rally, “1is2 Many Tech Video”, and service opportunities for our community to join the fight in securing the night; for everyone.

Other ideas include art submissions and displays, button days,

Run of series:
* October 9th – Tech Back the Night Kick Off/ Tech the Pledge @Caraway Lawn.
     o Cook out
     o Games
    o Photoshoot with Jerry
    o #iAmTheNight Photos
   o Presentation
   o Tech the Pledge – A pledge that the ATU community will sign to show their dedication to ending     domestic violence and sexual assault. After signing the pledge they will be given a button to wear        that will signify to others “You are safe on my watch”.
* October 13th - #iAmTheNight Buttons available at Tech the Pledge
* October- Begin filming the 1is2many Tech Video
* October/ November- Photo shoot for poster campaign series
* October-December- Monthly clothing drive for Women’s Shelters

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